PDTR® and NKT™ : Advanced Approaches to Neuromuscular Health
Understanding NeuroKinetic Therapy™ (NKT)
NeuroKinetic Therapy™ is a groundbreaking approach based on the premise that injuries can cause certain muscles to shut down or become inhibited, forcing other muscles to overcompensate. This imbalance leads to dysfunction and pain. Through the application of light pressure that clients resist, practitioners can assess the strength or weakness of each muscle. This evaluation reveals the sources of injury and helps retrain the body to eliminate compensation patterns.
A practical example is a baby learning to stand. Each attempt stores successful aspects in the motor control center until the baby can stand. Conversely, a dysfunctional movement pattern can arise from injury, such as whiplash, where posterior neck muscles remain tight due to weak anterior muscles. By loosening the posterior muscles and strengthening the anterior ones, the motor control center is reprogrammed. Manual muscle testing identifies weak or inhibited muscles, opening the motor control center to new learning. The NKT™ protocol of test-release-retest is then used to correct these patterns, making it an essential component of rehabilitative therapy.
Integrating NKT™ and P-DTR® for Optimal Results
By combining the principles of NKT™ and P-DTR®, practitioners can offer a sophisticated approach to neuromuscular health. Both methods emphasize the importance of accurate sensory input and the brain's interpretation in achieving optimal physical function. By changing the input, we change the brain's conclusion, leading to effective pain relief and enhanced movement.
Exploring Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex® (PDTR)
The Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex® method, or P-DTR® , is a comprehensive system of functional neurology that emphasizes the critical role of sensory receptors and the brain's processing of this information in determining neuromuscular responses. Developed by Dr. Jose Palomar, P-DTR® addresses dysfunctional receptor signaling, which often leads to musculoskeletal pain and functional health issues.
Proprioception, our 'sense of self,' relies on sensory nerve endings in muscles and joints. In P-DTR, these are referred to as 'receptors.' Dysfunctional receptor signaling can lead to compromised motor control, akin to a car alarm going off unnecessarily due to miscalibrated sensors. P-DTR® uses manual muscle testing to identify dysfunctions, applying various neurological stimuli to recalibrate the system. This process often results in immediate improvements, such as pain relief and restored range of motion.
An illustrative example is the common experience of hitting the funny bone. This triggers a reflexive withdrawal to protect the area, but if the pain receptor remains overly active, it can lead to compensatory muscle fatigue and pain over time. P-DTR® addresses these issues by recalibrating sensory input and neuromuscular responses, providing lasting relief and improved function.
– David Weinstock
Danielle is a Certified NKT™ Practitioner